1. Advantages of customising your promotional products
  2. Customisable products for food brands
  3. Customisable products for cosmetics brands
  4. Customisable products for automotive brands

Advantages of customising your promotional products

One of the most effective marketing tools used by brands is the personalisation of their promotional products. Let’s look at some of the advantages of customising promotional products for brands:

  • Increase your customers’ brand recognition and improve your corporate image. One of the main benefits of personalising your promotional products is its effect on brand image. By giving a personalised product with your brand’s corporate image as a gift, it will be much more present in the consumer’s mind, therefore, it will increase brand recognition among your consumers and help to transmit the values and philosophy and improve the corporate image and differentiate you from the competition.
  • Increase customer engagement, loyalty and loyalty. Giving your customers personalised products as gifts adds value. It is a gesture that the customer appreciates and makes them start to hold your brand in higher regard. In addition, personalised products are an ideal gift option for your customers, as a “reward” for choosing your brand and buying your products or services.
  • Improve the effectiveness of your promotions. Do you want to promote your products or services? Do you have a new launch coming up? A very good option is to accompany your advertising campaign with personalised promotional products. For example, by giving promotional gifts with the main message of the campaign. As well as having a big impact, it will increase the success of the campaign and boost sales.
  • Build trust and help create a good customer experience. The customer experience is how a company relates to its customers throughout their lifecycle. Using personalised promotional products can help to enhance this experience, as the brand provides something of quality, useful and value to its customers, as well as building greater trust.

PCustomisable products for food brands

Customisable non-woven bibs and aprons are ideal promotional products for food brands (sauces, broths, flours, etc.), restaurant chains or gastronomic shops.

If your brand belongs to the food sector, considering bibs and aprons as a promotional item is a great idea. You will be offering a product to your customers that they will value very positively, as it is something useful. Moreover, as it is a 100% customisable product with your image, you will increase brand recognition and customer loyalty.

Promotional bibs made for Ecoveritas S.A.

Customisable products for cosmetic brands

Customisable non-woven promotional products also have a place in the cosmetics and beauty sector. The stretcher rolls and the hammock protector are ideal products for brands of sun creams, dermo cosmetics, beauty centres, etc.

Both products offer maximum hygiene and comfort for your customers and have a great visual impact if personalised with the brand’s corporate image.

For example, for a sun cream and after sun brand, it could be a great idea to include the Teslay hammock protector personalised with your corporate image in the promotional products for next summer (the season with the highest demand for this type of product).

Customisable products for automotive brands

Customised promotional products can be used in all sectors, including the automotive industry. A good example of this is the Laywinter windscreen protector and the kita kita cleaning mitt, which are perfect for car dealerships, chain garages, glass repair companies, etc.

Laywinter is a windscreen protector against ice and snow, ideal for preventing possible breakage of the front window due to snowfall or low temperatures. It is easy to fit and most importantly, it can be personalised with the brand’s logo.

The kita kita mitt is perfect for cleaning the vehicle. It is designed to clean without scratching the paintwork, headlights, helmets and remove dirt embedded in them (insects, mud…). It is waterproof, easy to use and can be customised with your brand image.

These products are the perfect promotional gift for those who care about the good condition of their vehicle and want to keep it clean and in good condition.

Both products can be customised with your brand’s corporate image, helping you to enhance the positive experience of your customers.

At Laystil we have been customising promotional products for over 40 years. We know how to develop impactful ideas that add value to your brand, shall we talk?

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